Saturday 27 May 2017

What is Varna in Classical music?

What is Varna in Classical Music?

'VARNA'  is defined as the mode or manner of singing. It signifies the arrangement of notes in successive order. 'Varnas' are of four kinds. viz, Sthai, Arohi, Avarohi, and Sanchari.

STAHI VARNA : To sing or play on an instrument one and the same note over and over again is called 'Sthai Varna', e.q. "Sa Sa Sa Sa, Ga Ga Ga Ga etc.

AROHI VARNA : To sing or play on an instrument the notes in the ascending order starting from 'Sa' upwards up to 'Ni' is called 'Arohi Varna' e.q. 'Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni'.

AVROHI VARNA : To sing or play on an instrument the notes in descending order from 'Ni' downwards up to 'Sa' is called 'Avarohi Varna', e.g., 'Ni Dha Pa Ma Ga Re Sa'

SANCHARI VARNA : It is the mixture of Sthai, Arohi and Avarohi Varnas. In other words, when the above three Varnas are sung together it becomes 'Sanchari Varna'. e.q., 'Sa Re Sa Re Ga Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Pa Ma Ga Re Sa Re Sa Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Ga Ma Ma Ma Re Re Sa'.

All the above mentioned four  Varnas are important in a Raga. In fact, while singing or playing a Raga on an instrument all the said four Varnas become clearly manifest and can be easily seen by the eye or perceived by the mind.

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